Kirill Zhdanov

Kirill Zhdanov

Lead QA Engineer

[QA skills]


2+ years of QA team management and 3+ years of Dev-team building. Introduce and extend happy-culture-philosophy as part of bugs prevention activity. Audit and promote company standards and QA principles as testing Evangelist. Create, formalize and implement Emergency Bug Fix, Bug Tracking, Bug priority definitions, Spec change, Test Case Review QA procedures into the Software Development Life Cycle. Improve requirements for a better understanding. Created a QA team from scratch, took part in the hiring and job interview process. Write training plans and conduct courses for engineers. Develop and implement Test Automation architecture pipelines based on app-specific and best practice. Estimate, assign and decompose tasks related to a test plan. Provide summary reports to stakeholders.


5+ years of in-depth QA Engineering experience including designing and maintaining a test-suites of desktop and web applications, verification and validation of requirements. Build Test Suites using Best practice that optimizes for speed and confidence with the Testing Pyramid in mind.


3+ years in Unit, Integration and Acceptance testing automation. End-2-End feature testing and UI automation with Pytest using Selenium, CodeceptJS, Mocha using Puppeteer and WebdriverIO.

- Selenium Webdriver

- Selenoid

- Mocha

- CodeceptJS

- API testing automation using Postman, Newman and cURL.

- Unit and integration testing of a React app using Jest, testing-library/react and snapshot tests.


Mastering of fuzzing and penetration testing using Burp Proxy, Kali, Metasploit with SecLists. CTF moderate level bounty bug hunter. Now working on lazyrecon v2.0 and SLAE (Shellcode64 course)

Usual stack:

1. Unix-like

2. Docker

3. Vagrant

4. Pytest, CodeceptJS, Mocha, Jest - test framework

5. Selenium, Puppeteer - browser automation

6. TestComplete - GUI/widget based desktop app automation

7. Postman, Newman, curl - API testing



[Personal skills]

Fast learning mind, no smoking person.


Photography. IPA-Russia 2016 Family of Man Awarded. IPA-Russia Editorial 3rd place