Магистр финансов: Магистратура

Программа объединяет академические содержание с практическими занятиями. Вы приобретете навыки и технические знания, отточенные на практике и необходимые для успешной карьеры в сфере финансов.
Бухгалтерия, экономика, финансы, аудитБухгалтерия, экономика, финансы, аудит / Управление финансами, экономикой, учетом
London Business School логоLondon Business School
Открытый набор
480 часов
London Business School
от 3 558 280 ₽

Анонс программы

Программа объединяет академические содержание с практическими занятиями. Вы приобретете навыки и технические знания, отточенные на практике и необходимые для успешной карьеры в сфере финансов.

Описание Программы


Learn the frameworks for financial decision-making through a robust understanding of the principles and practice of financial management. You study topics including advanced theories in the valuation of investments, management of portfolios and risk management strategies.

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • articulate the principle of “no-arbitrage” and why this is an important concept for valuing financial assets
  • calculate the value of risk-free and riskless cash flow streams, including those accruing to real investment projects and financial assets
  • calculate and hedge an asset or liability’s exposure to changes in interest rates
  • understand why the term structure of interest rates and forward interest rates are important
  • explain the theoretical basis for modern portfolio theory, the basics of its implementation and some important limitations
  • model and evaluate portfolio risk using factor models
  • value forward and futures contracts using the principle of no-arbitrage
  • value options using replicating portfolios, binomial option pricing, and the Black-Scholes model.

Corporate Finance

Understand the corporate investment and financing decisions of different companies through:

  • project appraisal and firm valuation
  • financial structure
  • pay-out policy.

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • assess the merits of real investments using a range of methods
  • compute corporate and project-level costs of capital
  • value corporate targets using discounted cash flow and multiples-based methods
  • analyse financial structure decisions at a quantitative level
  • analyse credit risk at a quantitative level
  • understand the incentive effects of leverage decisions
  • understand the role of information in financial decisions
  • analyse corporate payout policy.

Financial Accounting and Analysis

Analyse financial information and judge a firm’s prospects based on performance, patterns in their financial statements, profit drivers, assets and obligations.

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • use financial information in various decision-making settings
  • develop the skills and techniques necessary to analyse financial information and to draw inferences about a firm’s past performance and future prospects
  • read and analyse a company’s financial statements, to measure company profitability and identify the drivers of profitability, and to assess the adequacy of the company’s assets to meet its obligations
  • understand the main sources of reporting choices and creativity in accounting practice, and to know how to control for this when analysing, valuing and comparing several firms.

Дневная форма обучения: 10 месяцев или 16 месяцев.

Возможна вечерняя форма обучения - 22 месяца.

Записаться на курс
Магистр финансов: Магистратура
3 558 280
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Открытый набор
480 часов
London Business School
от 3 558 280 ₽
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Лондон, London Business School